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Home Permaculture

European Permaculture Convergence

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Dear activist friends in all of Europe,

We send our call into Europe today to come and gather in one Big Circle in August -

Welcome to the European Permaculture Convergence 2012
1st.-5th August 2012
@gASTWERKe in Escherode/Kassel - Germany -
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'Permaculture derives a future vision from the synergetic combination of all our skills, potentials and resources'. We invite European activists from Permaculture and all of Earth Care - People Care - Fair Share to co-create one common space, to link up & come together, to share skills & spread knowledge, to nurture ourselves and claim our stake before the few public performers of the Big Play.

Our vision goes beyond the traditional format of the EuPC - and yet embraces it at the same time. We are seeing a European landscape of activists and their networks - and want to link us all up, because we ARE ONE web of change and the time is now!

We therefore use our chance to reach out and call for delegations and representatives from all European countries and to come and join the EuPC 2012, to share their message and be of presence. We can accomodate a maximum of 300 people on a low-tech infrastructure and can already see the space filling up fast... What a resonance!


Gaia Education Design for Sustainability

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Gaia Education Design for Sustainability - Training of Trainers - Incorporating Transition Towns Training

Click on date below to book
  • Sat 1 October 2011 (35 days)
  • solarbluepresented by the Findhorn Foundation in partnership with Global Ecovillage Network and Gaia Education

    Based on the Ecovillage Design Curriculum - an official contribution to the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.

    Facilitated by:
    Pracha Hutanuwatr - Director, Wongsanit Ashram, Thailand
    May East - Director, Gaia Education
    Michael Shaw - Director, Ecovillage International
    Iain Davidson - Lecturer, Findhorn Foundation
    and Findhorn Ecovillage experts

    You are invited to join this five-week comprehensive training of trainers based on the four core pillars of the Ecovillage Design Curriculum: the social, worldview, ecological and economic dimensions of sustainability.

    Open Source Permaculture

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    What is Open Source Permaculture?

    This is from a discussion with Lucas Gonzalez in the Canary Islands:

    I think we should start raising awareness for the concept of Open Source Permaculture. Let's define what that mean by the term. This would be a crucial upgrade to what Permaculture today is about.

    I have ended up an a parcel of land. I read the theory, and found myself basically clueless in terms of producing an integrated permacultural operation when I got onto the land. I believe that proper information access could have allowed us to avoid wasteful, trial-and-error-reinventing-the-wheel on the practical level (living material choices). We are still suffering from huge waste along these lines - either by spending long research hours or planting crop that will not do well here. There are issues that one can't read about - such as layout and geography - but the living material issue should be a non-issue. This way, the focus could be on further adaptation and breeding of region-specific materials - not in not knowing the optimal materials. This point may be difficult to grasp for people without an open source philosophy or without agricultural experience - but better access to information is a true bane of permaculture - as it tries to survive in a playing field of its factory-farm-global-neighbors.


    Biodynamic Farming in Nepal

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    By Krishna Gurung

    The Kevin Rohan Memorial Eco Foundation (KRMEF) was established in 2008 near Khokana, in the southwest of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. KRMEF is trying to save the local environment by using local manpower, local waste, and educating the local population about the benefits of protecting the environment. The project periodically runs free health and dental camps in a local school and looks forward to opening a free clinic very soon.

    KRMEF has begun a pilot project focused on recycling waste found in and around the city of Kathmandu and utilizing the waste to produce sustainable fuel in the form of bio-briquettes and bio-gas. Waste bottles have also been collected and made into walls and windows. This ecological architecture will soon be implemented in the new clinic. These processes give work to many jobless, helpless and disabled individuals.

    Working in the garden
    Working in the garden

    View of the farm house, solar cooker, orange tress, and bees
    View of the farm house, solar cooker, orange trees, and bees

    Presently KRMEF is sponsoring schooling for underprivileged children, has an eco-guest house, a volunteer program, a working organic/biodynamic garden, and is working to implement Waldorf techniques in a village school. We look forward to further developing our network to include treatments and education for physically handicapped children and to take care of the old, among many other activities.


    Regenerative Design Institute

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    Our Roots

    In the 1980s, Penny Livingston Stark and James Stark began developing their 3/4 acre home in Point Reyes, California, as permaculture oasis. They took what was once an open space with a few trees and transformed it into a living permaculture classroom, with features like a grey water koi pond that processes laundry and bath water, a cob library with roof catchment and an outdoor bread oven and attached bench, a vaulted strawbale cottage, and a permaculture food forest garden with fruit, nuts, herbs, berries, vegetables, bamboo and more. From their work at this site, the Permaculture Institute of Northern California (PINC) emerged and Penny and James began teaching courses in Permaculture and other sustainable, earth-based practices.

     During this time, Penny and James also developed the Skywater Center in Trinity County as an additional site for permaculture trainings. Skywater is a large-scale restoration project that has hosted workshops on permaculture and wilderness awareness, forest management, erosion control methods and keyline patterning. PINC also partnered with the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) , where Penny, James, and many of their students have developed a productive vegetable and perennial fruit garden, an artfully sculpted cob greenhouse, a series of flow forms for cleaning pond water, rainwater harvesting system, and much more.


    The Birth of the Regenerative Design Institute

    I n 2003, Penny and James were offered the unique opportunity to apply their design skills and expertise to develop the Commonweal Garden - a beautiful 17 acre site in Bolinas, California - into a large scale living permaculture classroom and demonstration center for regenerative design. With this opportunity to expand their work and vision, the Permaculture Institute of Northern California became the Regenerative Design Institute (RDI), a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to education and training skilled leaders in regenerative design. RDI works in partnership with Commonweal, a health and environmental research institute and retreat center.

    The Permaculture Institute of Northern California still exists as the original home-scale permaculture site that Penny and James developed in Pt. Reyes. It is now a private residence, where several of their graduated students live and care for the permaculture oasis. Occasional tours and seasonal volunteer days continue to take place at this site.

    The Regenerative Design Institute at Commonweal Garden has grown strong roots, and hosts hundreds of visitors and course participants every year. RDI now offers a wide array of courses in permaculture, nature awareness, leadership, wildcrafting and more. Our capstone course, the Regenerative Design and Nature Awareness (RDNA) Program, is a unique 9-month intensive that combines permaculture, nature awareness, community leadership, and mentoring skills. In addition, custom youth programs and private tours are also offered.

    By providing skilled designers, farmers, trades-people, educators, facilitators and community leaders, the goal of RDI is to spread the awareness that we can design and build development models worldwide that address human needs while simultaneously regenerating the surrounding environment to become more fertile and diverse in the process.


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